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How do I use Typescript definition (typings) files installed via NuGet in VS2017?

I'm a little unsure on how I would go about using a typescript definition file that has been installed via NuGet in 2017. I'd like to use the 'modal' Bootstrap Jquery method on a JQuery Selector in order to show a modal popup box, but the TypeScript compiler does not recognise the '.modal' method, even though the Bootstrap definition file has been installed correctly.


Even though the definitelytyped definition files have been installed via NuGet, the typescript compiler doesn't seem to be finding them.

Are there any steps I need to take in order for the compiler to recognise the definition files as being installed?

Seems like nuget isn't supported any longer for installing DefinitelyTyped definitions for Asp.Net Core.

References :

Visual Studio Forum

DefinitelyTyped Github page

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