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Swift 3 How do I resolve EXC_BAD_ACCESS in func

I have the following class:

import UIKit

class ErrorMessageLabel: UILabel {
    open func setErrorText(button:UIButton?, message:String) {
        self.text = message
        self.isHidden = (message == "")
        if (button != nil) {button?.isEnabled = (message == "")}

which I use in a View Controller:

class RegistrationViewController: SuperViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var errorMessageLabel: ErrorMessageLabel!

    @IBOutlet weak var registerButton: UIButton!

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    private func checkValidData()
        errorMessageLabel.setErrorText(registerButton, message: "")

I get Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=...) on the setErrorText call

If i change the ErrorMessageLabel.swift to the following

import UIKit

extension UILabel {
    open func setErrorText(button:UIButton?, message:String) {
        self.text = message
        self.isHidden = (message == "")
        if (button != nil) {button?.isEnabled = (message == "")}

class ErrorMessageLabel: UILabel {

the code works. Obviously, this is the wrong place to put the setErrorText as the code does not apply to all UILabels. What is the proper fix?

I'm a relative newbie to IOS development.

您需要将视图中的标签类(故事板或笔尖)更改为ErrorMessageLabel,可在此处找到: http : //prntscr.com/flkor0

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