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configure nginx to redirect to another server

I have nginx installed on a Raspberry Pi and this works okay. What I want to do is redirect traffic for a particular port to another server, and have that traffic come back through the Raspberry Pi. I've got the following in my default sites config;

server {
    listen 9001;
    server_name piweb;

    location /transmission {
        proxy_pass http://pyrate:9001/$uri$is_args$args;
        proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;

But that doesn't work obviously. Is this even possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

your configuration seems almost OK, is http://pyrate:9001 accessible from your pi ? did you try with wget or similar tools ? You should remove the $uri$is_args$args - it passes automatically. Note that it'll search /transmission/[request] on remote server.

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