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Add styling on click with dynamically created DOM elements

I want to create a border around an image that's contained within a div when it's selected and then remove it when it's deselected. How do I get the ID of the div selected?

 function displayLive()
              var previous = null;
              var current = null;
                  url: '/showLive',
                  dataType: 'json',
                  contentType: 'application/json',
                  success: function(response) 
                    current = JSON.stringify(response);
                    if(previous !== current)
                      var obj = JSON.parse(response);
                      for(var i = 0; i < obj.active.length; i++)
                        if($(document.getElementById(obj.active[i].userNameData)).length == 0)
                          if(obj.active[i].active === true)
                            $('.left').prepend($('<div/>', {class: 'profTemp', id: obj.active[i].userNameData}).append(
                              $('<img/>', {src: obj.active[i].profiler, width: 40, height: 40}),
                              $('<span/>', {text: " " + obj.active[i].userNameData}))); 

                        else if(obj.active[i].active === false)
                          console.log("getting in false");
                previous = current; 
              }, 2000);   

here'a a template

Assign a click handler via $(document).on('click', '.profTemp', function() {}) to trigger the click event on the document so it will work with dynamically added elements, then toggle a class on the div and use that as the state for whether it's clicked or not, and reference the class to draw your border.

 $('body').append('<div class="profTemp"> <img class="img" src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/2C22p.jpg"></div>'); $(document).on('click','.profTemp',function() { $(this).toggleClass('selected'); }) 
 .profTemp { display: inline-block; } .selected img { border: 5px solid red; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

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