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How to push image from private registry to hub.docker.com?

I'm migrating a project from a private registry to hub.docker.com but I don't have all tagged image on computer.

I have access to the registry machine via SSH.


How can I push all my registry images to hub.docker.com?

I think that the only way is to pull them all, then retag them and push to hub.docker.com

You can script it with something like:

for repository in $(curl -s http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog | jq -r '.repositories[]'); do
  for image in $(curl -s http://localhost:5000/v2/${repository}/tags/list | jq -r '(.name + ":" + .tags[])')
    docker image pull localhost:5000/${image}
    docker image tag localhost:5000/${image} <YOUR_HUB_PREFIX>/${image}
    docker image push <YOUR_HUB_PREFIX>/${image}
    # if you need some cleanup
    docker image rm localhost:5000/${image} <YOUR_HUB_PREFIX>/${image}

Access to your registry machine via SSH, use docker login to login inside your Docker Hub account, add a tag to your images which points to Docker Hub docker tag my_own_registry.com/image:tag user/image:tag a then push that new tag using docker push user/image:tag .

@zigarn script automates this job.

Edit: You commented that your bandwith is bad, then you can access via ssh to your registry machine, save your image using docker save , then copy it to your machine and load it by docker load and finally push it to Docker Hub as explained above.

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