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Read Excel Table headers with xlwings

How can I use xlwings to read a "table" in excel, into a pandas DataFrame, where the table "headers" become the DataFrame column names?

Every way I have tried to read the table, the header row is always excluded from the read!

Here is what I've tried, where "b" is my xlwings workbook object:

b.sheets['Sheet1'].range('Table1').options(pd.DataFrame, headers=False)
b.sheets['Sheet1'].range('Table1').options(pd.DataFrame, headers=True)


Another option is to use the api and Excel's ListObject

import xlwings as xw

wb = xw.books.active
ws = wb.sheets('MySheet')
tbl = ws.api.ListObjects('MyTable') # or .ListObjects(1)
rng = ws.range(tbl.range.address) # get range from table address

df = rng.options(pd.DataFrame, header=True).value # load range to dataframe

Let me add the comment by Felix Zumstein as explicit answer, because in my opinion it is the best solution.


Using the square bracket notation expands the selection from the table body to the header row as well. Subsequently the conversion to a pandas DataFrame, can use it as header.

To read more, check this answer .

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