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Update MVC ViewModel List from the client using either jQuery or JavaScript

I have a viewmodel along the lines of

public class Person
    public Person()
        Locations = new List<Location>();

    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public List<Location> Locations {get;set}

public class Location
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string LocationName {get;set;}

The class Person is used to populate a simple view that displays the Person details and below the list of Locations.

I have created a button that adds a new Location by creating a new div, populating html and then appending it to a div containing all of the Locations.

$('#Locations').append(newItem.html());      <---- newItem - contains new div

<div id="Locations">
    <div class="location">
    <div class="location">

All of this works, but on posting back to the controller, the new locations are not passed back in the viewmodel.

How is this done?

Can I see the data in any other way?

I have used ajax before, but cannot use it on this specific site.

Rico Suter has a great blog about this at https://blog.rsuter.com/asp-net-mvc-how-to-implement-an-edit-form-for-an-entity-with-a-sortable-child-collection/ . The extension methods he created are really easy to use and customize.


It sounds like you are trying to bind an array when you post back. The general form to format your HTML input tags so that they will reconstitute as a list when you bind in post is described in several places such as Phil Hack - Model Binding To A List . So if you structure your DOM changes to adhere to the format described, your extra rows should bind on post.


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