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how to get selected value from ajax combobox using javascript in asp.net c#

I want to get the selected value from ajax combobox selected item using javascript in asp.net c#

here is my code

<asp:ComboBox ID="dropdown_dest" runat="server" Width="90%" onfocusout="blurFunction()" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" CssClass="ComboboxWidth" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" Height="15px" MaxLength="50">

function blurFunction()
     var ddlReport = document.getElementById("<%=dropdown_dest.ClientID%>").value;

in alert it is showing undefined.

Please help me to solve me this error

Thank You.

If you can use jquery, you can do it this way:

<asp:ComboBox ID="dropdown_dest" runat="server" Width="90%" onfocusout="blurFunction()" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" CssClass="ComboboxWidth" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" Height="15px" MaxLength="50">

function blurFunction()
    var ddlReport = $("#" + "<%=dropdown_dest.ClientID%>").find("option:selected").val();

I have not tested.

<asp:ComboBox ID="dropdown_dest" runat="server" Width="90%" onfocusout="blurFunction(this)" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" CssClass="ComboboxWidth" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" Height="15px" MaxLength="50">


function blurFunction(e) {
var val = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

using "this" will skip jquery loop and js script can be put in separate file.

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