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Swift remove reference to UIView

I want to completely remove a reference to a UIView when it is tapped (it is a subview.

@IBAction private func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
    if (delegate != nil) {
        delegate?.imageWasTapped(imageView.image!, photoURL: photoURL!)
    print ("tap")

removeFromSuperview() seems to be insufficient to completely remove the instance (from what I've read), so would like to

self = nil

but of course self is immutable.

I tried to pass the value to my superview as an inout argument, but of course self is still immutable.

        delegate?.imageWasTapped(imageView.image!, photoURL: photoURL!, imageView: self)

Is removeFromSumerview() sufficent to deallocate a UIView from memory, or how is this best done?

You can weak reference to that UIView . Then the UIView will be nil with ARC after you removed it by using removeFromSuperview .

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