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Excel Formula - Countifs + Indirect + Match across multiple rows

I am trying to count records that are located in different rows which:

  • are within a certain date range eg. starting from >= 01/01/2017
  • are within the same month as defined above eg. < 31/01/2017
  • have records within a range across multiple rows, row numbers must be obtained via MATCH by finding the row of the cell that contains "Negative Comment 1" and MATCH the row number of the cell that contains "Negative Comment 5" (eg. "Negative 1" is in Row 220, "Negative 5" is in row 224, hence the rance would be I220:AZZ224 which spans 5 rows)

Formula looks like this:

// starting date

// end date

// define range between Negative Comment 1 to 5 and count all records that are not empty
INDIRECT("'MED-FB-YTD'!$I$"&MATCH("Negative Comment 1",'MED-FB-YTD'!$C:$C,0)&":$AZZ$"&MATCH("Negative Comment 5",'MED-FB-YTD'!$C:$C,0)),"<>"),


The problem is here

// define range between Negative Comment 1 to 5 and count all records that are not empty
INDIRECT("'MED-FB-YTD'!$I$"&MATCH("Negative Comment 1",'MED-FB-YTD'!$C:$C,0)&":$AZZ$"&MATCH("Negative Comment 5",'MED-FB-YTD'!$C:$C,0)),"<>"),

The formula works fine if I change the range to count from 5 rows to 1 row (eg. change from I220:AZZ224 to I220:AZZ220 ), which leads me to believe that the countifs() formula doesnt like to count cells across multiple rows, which in turn however is unlikely as I used countifs() before and did just that.

Right now, I am always getting the #value error. Any suggestions?


Sample data below:

MED-FB-YTD (data source):


Display form:


There seems to be something missing in the formula which you have pasted at the end (I mean in your problematic line).

Can you re-share your formula?

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