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How to create new windows for subsequent matplotlib plots?

Currently using Python 3.6.0 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Dec 23 2016, 11:57:41) on Windows (64 bits).

I want a procedure that I am writing to generate two different plots. One plot will have three separate graphs and then I want a separate window that shows a histogram.

plt.xlabel('Time(s)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude(v)', fontsize=8)
plt.xlabel('Frequency(Hz)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Amplitude(V)', fontsize=8)
plt.plot(fre, psd)
plt.xlabel('Frequency(Hz)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Power Spectrum Density(Watts/Hz)', fontsize =8)
np.savetxt( file ,y, delimiter='  ',newline='  ')
plt.savefig('FFT'+i+'.png', bbox_inches='tight')
wait = input("PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.")   #an attempt at breakpoints
plt.savefig('Histogram'+i+'.png', bbox_inches='tight')

Even using plt.figure() , I still plot overtop of existing plots unless I use plt.subplot(111) , which erases the original plot and places the new one in the same window. I am hoping to generate two separate windows. I have read several previous questions to no avail. I tried using %matplotlib qt or what I have imported mpl as, but also no use. Perhaps I do not understand the syntax for this?

First note that plt.figure does nothing. You would need to call plt.figure() . However, this is not solving the actual problem.

Since the old figure with 3 subplots is still the current figure at the point you want to start a new one, plt.figure() will simply get you the old figure.

To get a new figure, use a new figure number.


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