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Unable to fetch code from git repository for a specific SHA in ansible

I want to fetch code using a particular SHA-id.This is what I am trying

- git: 
        repo: http://<git-url>/Vara-Internal/mongo-db-dev.git
        dest: "{{ app_path }}/{{ app_dir }}"
        version: "{{ GIT_TAG }}"
        refspec: '+refs/heads/{{ GIT_TAG }}:refs/remotes/origin/{{ GIT_TAG }}'
        update: yes
        force: true
      register: cloned 

It throwing me this error

FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["/usr/bin/git", "fetch", "--tags", "origin", "+refs/heads/dbde451f203a112d0838fb09bc19ed28bd231e6e:refs/remotes/origin/dbde451f203a112d0838fb09bc19ed28bd231e6e"], "failed": true, "msg": "Failed to download remote objects and refs:  fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/dbde451f203a112d0838fb09bc19ed28bd231e6e\n"}

(Note: I know very little about ansible, being just a casual user.)

Most (but not all) Git servers will not let you retrieve objects by hash IDs at all. Most servers require that the object have a name, such as refs/heads/master (branch master ) or refs/tags/v1.1 (the tag named v1.1 ).

If a server does allow retrieval by hash ID (see VonC's answer here ), you must not qualify the hash ID: it's not refs/heads/dbde451f203a112d0838fb09bc19ed28bd231e6e bit rather simply dbde451f203a112d0838fb09bc19ed28bd231e6e . That would become the src part of a src:dst refspec.

Typically you would use a tag name here, not a hash ID, but if your server does allow retrieval by hash ID, the refspec line would logically have to read:

refspec: '+{{ GIT_TAG }}:refs/remotes/origin/some-particular-name'

as it is not a good idea to use hash IDs as names (for several reasons, the main one being that you will confuse humans).

I used indirect method to the same.I have save commit ids in a file and added following code

- name: Reverting Changes
      command: "git reset --hard {{ GIT_TAG }}"
        chdir: "{{ app_path }}/{{ app_dir }}"
      when: build_type  == "revert"

ie I took an extra variable which is build_type and checked whether this is for revert the changes.If it is then i read the commit id from my git information file and hard reset my branch.

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