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Xamarin.iOS how can I localized storyboard and nib files

how can I add new language at Xamarin.iOS

I follow this tutorial to add new language but I stuck in localization of StoryBoard and nibs

should I create these directories manually


I mean Base.lproj Directory and move my storyboard inside it , then create my language directory inside Resources and include MainStoryboard.strings file

and if yes how can I get all ids of my controls

Sample of what I am asking for

"SXg-TT-IwM.placeholder" = "nombre de la tarea";

should I do manually or there are away in Xamarin.iOS

You need to create manually for the folder and files.For the id of all your controls, you will need to check inside your storyboard file->Properties pane->Widget->Localization ID. The following is images from Xamarin guide: 在此处输入图片说明

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