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Hyperledger fabric build error

I have followed the installation & configuration of hyperledger fabric from http://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io and completed the installation. When I tried to build it I am getting error. Could you let me know the resolution.

To build Hyperledger Fabric:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
make dist-clean all

Error output:

docker tag hyperledger/fabric-tools hyperledger/fabric-tools:x86_64-1.0.0-rc2-snapshot-4709b33
Checking committed files for SPDX-License-Identifier headers ...
The following files are missing SPDX-License-Identifier headers:

Please replace the Apache license header comment text with:
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Makefile:111: recipe for target 'license' failed
make: *** [license] Error 1

Try to run:

make peer orderer peer-docker orderer-docker tools-docker configtxgen cryptogen ,

instead. This will skip license validation part and will allow you to build necessary building blocks.

PS. Meanwhile I've opened a JIRA to get it fixed and change request : with actual fix.

Go to the following files


Add the following lines in the beginning

Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

You can also check if the error is resolved by running following command from fabric

make license

你应该使用make release然后make docker

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