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Generic constraint of the same type

I have this class:

class Container {
    parent: any;
    children: any[];

I want to remove the 'any' types, and that can be done with generics. The problem I have is that the 'any' types are also off the 'Container' type, which will require to specify the generic types again.

class Container<P extends Container<?>, C extends Container<?>> {
    parent: P;
    children: C[];

How can I tell that the constraint is the same class type?

I don't know what your use case looks like exactly, but how about this simple version of your class?

class Container<T> {
    parent: Container<T>;
    children: Container<T>[];

I think it is sufficient here to say that P extends Container<any,any> and C extends Container<any,any> :

class Container<P extends Container<any,any>,C extends Container<any,any> >{
    parent: P;
    children: C[];

class Parent extends Container<Parent,Child> {
  name: string;

class Child extends Container<Parent, Child> {
  childname: string;

const root = new Parent();

The syntax checking in the editor correctly works out here the types of all the values at the end.

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