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How can I reset a single state prop to its initial values

I have a react component that contains the following constructor:

constructor (props) {
  this.state = {
    stage: TIMER_PREPARED,
    remaining: this.props.seconds,
    flashNotification: {
      message: null,
      shown: false,
      code: null,

At a certain point during the app lifecycle I need to reset the flashNotification props to their initial state.

Is there a way to do that without resetting the rest of the props? Meaning, without using:

this.setState({flashNotification: {
      message: null,
      shown: false,
      code: null,

Just initialize flashNotification using a factory function:

class Comp extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      stage: TIMER_PREPARED,
      remaining: this.props.seconds,
      flashNotification: this.createFlashNotification()

  reset() {
    this.setState({ flashNotification: this.createFlashNotification() });

  createFlashNotification() {
    return {
      message: null,
      shown: false,
      code: null

To reset flashNotification to a base value. You can store the object on this , and clone it whenever you want to reset:

class Comp extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.flashNotification = Object.freeze({ // Object.freeze is used to prevent changes to the base object
      message: null,
      shown: false,
      code: null,

    this.state = {
      stage: TIMER_PREPARED,
      remaining: this.props.seconds,
      flashNotification: Object.assign({}, this.flashNotification) // cloning the object

    this.reset = this.reset.bind(this);

  reset() {
    this.setState({ flashNotification: Object.assign({}, this.flashNotification })// cloning the object

What I would do is keep a copy of the initial State in a class object and then reset it whenever necessary like

constructor (props) {
  this.baseFlashNotification = {
      message: null,
      shown: false,
      code: null,

  this.state = {
    stage: TIMER_PREPARED,
    remaining: this.props.seconds,
    flashNotification: Object.assign({}, this.baseFlashNotification)

and reset as

  this.setState({flashNotification: this.baseFlashNotification})

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