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React: FitBounts issue when passing array of lonlat - react-mapbox-gl

Am trying to use fitBounds to make all my markers visible with a proper zoom level.

   return [[12.49637,41.90278],[12.319398,45.441906],[13.055054,47.809532],[16.373724,48.208244]]

     height: "100%",
     width: "100%"
     <markers /> 

and am getting this error

Error: Invalid LngLat object: (12.49637,41.90278, 12.319398,45.441906)
 at new LngLat (bundle.js:118874)
 at Function.LngLat.convert (bundle.js:118874)
 at LngLatBounds.setSouthWest (bundle.js:118876)
 at new LngLatBounds (bundle.js:118876)
 at Function.LngLatBounds.convert (bundle.js:118876)
 at e.i.fitBounds (bundle.js:119021)
 at ReactMapboxGl.ReactMapboxFactory.ReactMapboxGl.componentDidMount (bundle.js:124648)
 at commons.js:19945
 at measureLifeCyclePerf (commons.js:19755)
 at commons.js:19944

Am not getting whats wrong here. Please help me with this.

Here the react-component am using alex3165/react-mapbox-gl

You are passing the wrong bounds format to the fitBounds() function.

Fit bounds expects as an argument: fitBounds : Array<Array<number>>

See the docs: https://github.com/alex3165/react-mapbox-gl/blob/master/docs/API.md

In mapbox this is called an "LngLatBoundsLike Object", see here: https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#lnglatlike

So your function call must be something like this:


Where the first argument is the southwest corner and the second argument is the northeast corner of your desired bounding box

The input am passing to fitBounds should be in the form of Array<Array<number>>

getMinOrMax(markersObj, minOrMax, latOrLng) {
 if(minOrMax == "max"){
  return _.maxBy(markersObj, function (value) {
      return value[latOrLng]
  return _.minBy(markersObj, function (value) {
      return value[latOrLng]

getBounds(markersObj) {
  var maxLat = this.getMinOrMax(markersObj, "max", "lat");
  var minLat = this.getMinOrMax(markersObj, "min", "lat");
  var maxLng = this.getMinOrMax(markersObj, "max", "lng");
  var minLng = this.getMinOrMax(markersObj, "min", "lng");

  var southWest = [minLng, minLat];
  var northEast = [maxLng, maxLat];
  return [southWest, northEast];

So am using the above methods to find figure out SouthWest and NorthEast points from the given array of marker position objects.

Marker sample objects should to be like below:

var markerPoints = [{lng:12.49637,lat:41.90278},{lng:12.319398,lat:45.441906},{lng:13.055054,lat:47.809532},{lng:16.373724,lat:48.208244}]

   height: "100%",
   width: "100%"
  <markers /> 

Note: Am using lodash liblary for utility functions like min and max in the example.


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