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using import() in react-router-dom/webpack2

I googled it but still don't know how to use import() along with react-router-dom (version 4.x) to achieve code-splitting/async-route effect.

I am using webpack2

The doc of react-router-dom use bundle-loader . But I thought import() is supported natively by webpack2 . Is there a way to use import() directly?




Checkout this out, I follow the steps and finish dynamic code require for my project.

Anyway, I figure it out myself.

It kind of works at the moment. But I've test it in real world. APPRECIATE to point out bugs in the snippet.


First have a component like this


import React from "react";

import { Loading } from "../loading";

let map = {};

export function AsyncLoad(props: {
    moduleKey: string,
    loadedFrom: Promise<any>,
    onLoaded: () => void
}) {
    let Comp = map[props.moduleKey];
    if (Comp) {
        let passedProp = Object.assign({}, props);
        delete passedProp.moduleKey;
        delete passedProp.loadedFrom;
        return <Comp {...props} />;
    } else {
        return <Loading />;

    async function processModule() {
        const mod = await props.loadedFrom;
        map[props.moduleKey] = mod.default;

Then in my App.js, do like this:


import React, { PureComponent } from "react";

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";

import { AsyncLoad } from "./asyncLoad";

import "./app.scss";

export class App extends PureComponent {
    render() {
        return (
                    <Link to="/quiz">Show Quiz</Link>
                    <div className="content">
                            component={() =>
                                    onLoaded={() => {

very simple

<Route path="/page3" render={() => (
  <AC loader={import('./Page3')} />
)} />

class AC extends Component {
  state = {
    _: null
  async componentDidMount() {
    const { default: _ } = await this.props.loader;
      _: <_ />
  render() {
    return (

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