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React reuse component in both mobile and desktop view

For example I have a book list component that I want to reuse. In the mobile is used by a route, in the desktop by another route.

The book list component has links to the book. The tricky part is that the book on desktop version has links to the desktop book page url while the mobile version has links to the mobile book page url .

What is the best option to do this?

1 Have a flag in the book list that says it should render for mobile or desktop;

Example: <BookList type="large" />

Example: <BookList type="small" />


  • Easy to use;
  • Easy to do, just need some if else;


  • Not very reusable;

2 Pass the some props like getBookUrl which is called by the book list component

Example: <BookList getBookUrl={(book)=> /small/book/${book.id} } />

Example: <BookList getBookUrl={(book)=> /large/book/${book.id} } />


  • Very reusable;


  • Hard to use the component because you need to prepare that function in the parent and is a pain to do it all the time;

3 Pass the some props like getBookUrl (but this function is stored in the book list component) which is called by the book list component

Example: <BookList getBookUrl={BookList.getBookUrlSmall} />

Example: <BookList getBookUrl={BookList.getBookUrlLarge} />

4 Pass the some props from the book list component

BookList.small = {
  getBookUrl: (book)=>`/small/book/${book.id}`,
BookList.large = {
  getBookUrl: (book)=>`/large/book/${book.id}`,

Example: <BookList {...BookList.small} />

Example: <BookList {...BookList.large}/>

5 Something even better, tell me :)

Making components explicitly-configurable (eg "small" & "large" ) is one step away from have a responsive component (configures itself based on screen size).

But if your tactic for dealing with mobile is (sometimes) hosting a separate mobile site, this runs against the tactic of mobile components.


without knowing too much about your exact situation, I'd do something like this:

// BookListResponsive.js
import isMobile from "mobile-detector-of-my-choice"
import BookList from "./BookList.js"

export default props => isMobile()
    ? <BookList {...props} getUrl={id => `small/${id}`} />
    : <BookList {...props} getUrl={id => `large/${id}`} />

It might also be worth checking out react-routers dynamic routes

<Media query={PRETTY_SMALL}>
  {screenIsSmall => screenIsSmall
    // small screen has no redirect
    ? <Switch>
        <Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
        <Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
    // large screen does!
    : <Switch>
        <Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
        <Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
        <Redirect from="/invoices" to="/invoices/dashboard"/>

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