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Powershell: find files based on directory name, copy and rename into same folder and keep original

I am migrating to a new Movie/DVD/BluRay management systems, and need to take existing cover art that is named based on the directory name (directoryname.jpg), copy and name the new files folder.jpg and mymovies-front.jpg. I also need to keep the original file in place.

## Q:\Test\2017\07\14\SO_45110819.ps1
Set-Location "X:\path\to\base"

Get-ChildItem * | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer}|ForEach-Object {
    $dirnamejpg = Join-Path $_.FullName ($_.BaseName+'.jpg')
    if (Test-Path ($dirnamejpg)) {
        copy-Item -Path $dirnamejpg -Destination (Join-Path $_.FullName ('folder.jpg')) -confirm
        copy-Item -Path $dirnamejpg -Destination (Join-Path $_.FullName ('mymovies-front.jpg')) -confirm

Once the actions performed are OK, remove the -confirm parameter

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