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How to configure imagick / ImageMagick on ipage?

Ipage says they are running ImageMagick 6.3.3 however, it is not running on the server and there is no way I can find how to enable it. They do not allow to configure any module from control panel.

I contacted support but they could not help saying, it is not 'their' product. Anybody can help setting up Imagick on ipage? I tried to edit php.ini file and reference to php_imagick.dll but that did not solve the problem.

iPage does not support Imagick in PHP

This is their official response after conctacting support

We have ImageMagick binaries. But it is not complied to PHP so IMAGICK won't work. So, you will not be able to use IMAGICK as PHP built-in class. You have to use the alternative "convert" utility. Please make changes accordingly in the script so that it will work fine on our servers.

So basically you have to use exec() in PHP to use the Imagemagick convert command. Also you cannot use convert command from a shell environment as for as I know.

But there is GD commands available on ipage and for the most part they would be enough for all graphic related functions. In fact in my case, I found that they were rather moreful.

The answer I got from iPage is that PHP Imagick is not available on the Essential Package. To get PHP Imagick I would need to sign up for VPS hosting which is more expensive. For now I am giong to ignore the recommendation from Wordpress to install PHP Imagick. I have installed the Wordpress "ImageMagick Engine" plugin and it is now working with no errors.

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