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SASS is not compiling the appropriate CSS

I am getting some non-sensical output from sass regarding these few lines.

@mixin full_shadow($size, $color){
  text-shadow : $size 0 0 $color, -$size 0 0 $color, 0 $size 0 $color, 0 -$size 0 $color;

p {
  @include full_shadow(1.25px, red);

Here's what is weird

p { /* Expected Output */
  text-shadow: 1.25px 0 0 red, -1.25px 0 0 red, 0 1.25px 0 red, 0 -1.25px 0 red;

p { /* SASS Output*/
  text-shadow: 1.25px 0 0 red, -1.25px 0 0 red, 0 1.25px 0 red, -1.25px 0 red;

It's not immediately obvious, but the SASS output is missing a term at the very end of the property assignment.

... , -$size 0 $color; does not equal the defined ..., 0 -$size 0 $color;

Any insight on this would be great. Thanks!

It's being interpreted as a subtraction: 0 - $size . Use parentheses to force unary minus:

0 (-$size) 0 $color

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