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How do you pass a prop to all react routes? (Change title dynamically)

I am using redux to manage state, so I'm passing state and bound actions from the root component.

I am using react-router-redux 's ConnectedRouter , with a switch inside containing all my routes and redirects. And I'm trying to prevent passing a setRouteTitle along with the routeTitle . The router switch is similar to the code below.

      component={ Dashboard }
      setRouteTitle={ setRouteTitle }
      dashboardState={ state.dashboard }/>

      component={ Gear }
      routeTitle="Gear Management"
      setRouteTitle={ setRouteTitle }
      gearState={ state.gear }/>

      component={ Users }
      routeTitle="Users Management"
      setRouteTitle={ setRouteTitle }
      usersState={ state.users }/>

It just seems redundant to first pass a function and its parameter for the component to run as soon as it will mount/has props, then second defining it on every single route.

Any way to do this without creating a new component that extends Route or something, or would this be a good idea?

Perhaps you can create a wrapper component for Route

// make sure 'setRouteTitle' is in the scope of MyRoute
// and routeProps has the structure = { component, routeTitle, ...etc  }
function MyRoute ({ ...routeProps }) => (

So that your switch component would be more succinct, like the following:

// in js 
const setRouteTitle = /* some value */
const dashboardProps = { component: Dashboard, routeTitle: 'Dashboard', dashboardState: state.dashboard } 
const gearManagementProps = { component: Gear, /* ... the rest of props */ }
const userProps = { component: User, /* ... the rest of props */ }

// jsx in your render
  <MyRoute {...dashboardProps} />
  <MyRoute {...gearManagementProps} />
  <MyRoute {...userProps} />

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