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How can build android app using ionic framwork old version?

One year before i install ionic framework and build one android app, that app is running sucessfully still now. But now i want some more enhancement for this app, so i am install ionic framework in another system and run the ionic cordova build android command in that project directory, but it will throw below error.

[WARN] ionic.project file found in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\officeapp--please rename it to ionic.config.json, or your project directory will not be detected!

[ERROR] Unable to find command: cordova build android You may need to be in an Ionic project directory.

Project Commands: You are not in a project directory.

In that project directory there is no ionic.config.json. So i am install new project and compare the files in the new project i found ionic.config.json. And i compare bower.json files there is some version change, so i thing the version is the problem.

Old project bower.json

 "name": "HelloIonic",
 "private": "true",
 "devDependencies": {
  "ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.3.1",
  "platform.js": "platform#^1.3.1"
 "dependencies": {
  "angular-messages": "1.3.6"

Newly created todo project

 "name": "HelloIonic",
 "private": "true",
 "devDependencies": {
  "ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.3.3"

Please help anyone how can build app with old code, because all are working fine i want minmal change for this app.

As per your question explanation I see you are entering wrong command to build ionic project for the android platform.

[ERROR] Unable to find command: cordova build android You may need to be in an Ionic project directory.

Use following commands to build ionic project,

ionic build android

For more help please check here for basic of Ionic.

Hopes this will help you !!

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