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combobox jquery onchange event

How i update combobox based on another combobox, i have this code but its not work, can someone help me. Thanks

  <select name="marca" id="marca" onchange="javascript:carregaModelos(this.value)" >
    <option th:each="marca : ${marcas}" 

     <select   name="modelo" id="modelo">
  <option th:each="modelo : ${modelos}" 

<script type="text/javascript">     
   function carregaModelos(marca) { 
 var opcao = $(this).('#marca option')   
 jQuery("#modelo").load( "pesquisa/" + opcao);
 return false;


and this

    public String pesquisa(ModelMap model, @PathVariable Long idmarca) {
        model.addAttribute("modelo", service.obterModelosByMarcas(idmarca));
        return "index";

Add an attribute with value to target element.


The value is jQuery selector so # included with ID of target element

 $(document).ready(function() { $('[data-target-sync]').change(function() { var cur = $(this); $(cur.attr('data-target-sync')).val(cur.val()); }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <select name="marca" id="marca" data-target-sync="#modelo"> <option value="a">A</option> <option value="b">B</option> <option value="c">C</option> </select> <select name="modelo" data-target-sync="#marca" id="modelo"> <option value="a">A</option> <option value="b">B</option> <option value="c">C</option> </select> 

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