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#Angular2 How i can count numbers of custom attribute directive?

I made a custom attr directive and i will use it in siblings elements like:

   <div [customAttrDirective]="'value'">1</div>
   <div [customAttrDirective]="'value'">2</div>
   <div [customAttrDirective]="'value'">3</div>
   <div [customAttrDirective]="'value'">4</div>

I olso made a service that control all of my directives. Inside this it I want to know the count of my directives customAttrDirective .

PS: I can't do it by searching by class name(because i add classes inside the directive) and i can't do it by searching by attribute (directive name) because angular change.

Edit: replaced wrong sintax customAttrDirective="'value'" to [customAttrDirective]="'value'"

Many thanks.

Assuming your custom attribute directive's class name is CustomAttrDirective , in the component that you are using your custom directives, add this:

@ViewChildren(CustomAttrDirective) dirs: QueryList<CustomAttrDirective>

Then in life circle ngAfterViewInit , get the length of variable dirs .

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