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git: copy a worktree of a remote branch that is not present at local

At work, I have a project that it has two different version with some common basic features. I make use of git worktree to put these versions in separate folders that I have two long-running branches beside master for each version and the master is for common features. So there are 3 folders with one repository. Also, there is a remote repository for this and the whole things are pushed there.

$git branch -a

At home PC, I have the folder of master and this local repository is linked to the same remote as my work repo. And when I get the list of branches it is like:

$git branch -a

I want to checkout to the version-1 as well as copy the whole stuff of version-a to a local folder, that the folder is tracked by git as a worktree like at my work. does git clone or git checkout do that or I need to do something more tricky?

Finally I use this to have the same work-trees like at my work, at my home.

$ git worktree add --checkout ../version-1 version-1
$ git worktree add --checkout ../version-2 version-2

It checkout my long-running branches in different folders(work-trees).

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