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Accessing a parent component's ViewModel property from the child's ViewModel in Aurelia

I have two components:

<parent-component type="permanent">
    <div child-component></div>
class ParentComponentCustomElement {
    @bindable public type: string = "permanent";

class ChildComponentCustomAttribute {
    public attached() {
        // how to get the instance of ParentComponentCustomElement here?

I need to access the type property of the parent to add some classes to the child-component conditionally.

I could probably traverse the parent tree through DOM and look for this specific component, but I don't think that's the correct way to do this.

Have you tried to implement the bind() method for the custom attribute? Try something like this:

 bind(bindingContext, overrideContext) { console.log(overrideContext.parentOverrideContext.bindingContext.somePropertyFromParentViewModel); } 

Source: http://aurelia.io/hub.html#/doc/article/aurelia/framework/latest/creating-components/3

Turns out I can just @inject the parent ViewModel into the child component like this:

import {inject, Parent} from 'aurelia-framework';

class ParentComponentCustomElement {
    public type: string = "permanent";

class ChildComponentCustomAttribute {

    public constructor(private parent: ParentComponentCustomElement) {}

    public attached() {
        console.log(this.parent.type); // permanent

Note that this is also convenient as it traverses the parent tree until it finds the component you're actually looking for, so the child can be wrapped in a completely different component and this will still work.

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