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How can I use gulpfile.js from another JS file by command gulp

I want to use my compiling scripts in different projects as a submodule of GIT modules.

I added the submodule into a directory named build , and there is a gulpfile.js in the build dir.

I created another gulpfile.js in the root dir of the project, then using this gulpfile.js to invoke the real gulpfile.js in build dir.

After I running the gulp command, I got an error message that told me that "Task 'default' is not in your gulpfile".

I don't want to manage any dependence in each project that going to use this build , I just want to find out a way to invoke the real gulpfile .

What shall I do? Thanks a lot.

You may need to either set a gulp cli config file .gulp.json with a property setting the path to your custom gulpfile, or use gulp --gulpfile [path] . More on this on the github readme page of gulp-cli https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-cli/blob/master/README.md

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