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running nunit tests from visual studio 2015

Ive just installed Nunit V3.7.1 and Im trying to actually run my tests. Previously Id used the GUi but this only seems to be avaibale as a 'beta' version. Ive installed the 0.4 preview version and pointed it to my c# test project (.net 4.5) and the run state is set as 'NotRunnable' - _SKIPREASON = File type is not supported. How can I run my tests using nunit v3.7.1 ? I dont want to run (& debug) all my tests everytime, only selected tets (this was easy with mstest). Should I switch back to the previous version of Nunit ?

The NUnit project offers a so-called Test Adapter. It's a Visual Studio plugin for full integration of the test suite (of the former GUI which you already know) into the IDE.

You can find it on the website of NUnit -> Downloads http://nunit.org/download/ , NUnit Test Adapter xx -> https://github.com/nunit/nunit3-vs-adapter/releases/download/3.8/NUnit3TestAdapter-3.8.0.vsix .

After installing it, you can run all/specific/failed NUnit tests directly out of Visual Studio (see top navigation with lable "Test").

The plugin also works in the 2015 Community Edition.

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