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Import Values in lookup Columns in Sharepoint Online using CSOM powershell

I am trying to import values in lookup columns, i have country parent list and a child list which has lookup column as Region, am trying below code but it does not seem work at all, i think i am wrong with the syntax may be

###### Add all functions here##########
foreach($row in $CSVLocation)
$item["ABC_x0020_DEF"]=$row.'ABC DEF'

#Get the Lookup Item from Parent List
 $LookupItem = $country.GetItems | Where-Object { $row.'Region' -eq $row["Region"]}

if($LookupItem -ne $null)
$RegionLookup = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue($LookupItem.ID,$row.Region)

#Set the Lookup field value
$item["Region"] = $RegionLookup

First of all, you are not using CSOM object but server side object. It is not Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue but it is Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue .

Create function for finding the right item in items collection.

function Get-Item($Items, $ColumnName, $Value)
    foreach ($item in $Items.GetEnumerator())
        if ($item[$ColumnName] -eq $Value)
            return $item

    return $null

You are using the method GetItems() incorrectly. It should leverage the CamlQuery object.

$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery
$LookupItems = $country.GetItems($query)

# Execute query and get items from SharePoint

You don't have to create this FieldLookupValue object, just set the lookup item ID.

#Get the Lookup Item from Parent List items collection
$LookupItem = Get-Item -Items $LookupItems -ColumnName "Region" -Value $row.'Region'

if($LookupItem -ne $null)
    #Set the Lookup field value
    $item["Region"] = $LookupItem.Id

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