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Not Able to read Xcode crash log

I received a crash in my app I released on App Store few days ago. I got the crash report in Xcode 8.3 but am not able to debug it. Can somebody help going through the report?.
I have attached a screenshot of the crash report from inside Xcode.


You can Symbolicate the Crash report with a lot of methods. First, you need to save the .app file which caused the crash. And .crash file and the dSYM file. You can download the dSYM from Organiser.

Symbolicate crash report by doing this:

Put .app, .crash and dSYM files in on folder then go to that folder in terminal then write the below line :

xcrun atos -o MyApp.app/MyApp -arch armv7 -l 0xb7000 -f WhateverTherNameIs.crash


How to symbolicate crash log with Xcode 7?

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1) create a new folder ,lets say "Universe" , to hold the stuff.

2) use the Go to Folder utility from Finder . Use the path /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/

Find "symbolicatecrash" file and you can manually copy and paste this file to your Universe folder

3) Place your crash and Archive of your app in your folder ( Archive will hold all the dysm files. Alternatively you can place all your dYsm files )

4) CD to your "Universe" folder directory . Now run this command export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"

5)run the symbolicate command on your crash

./symbolicatecrash myCrash.crash > SymbolicatedM.crash

Voila!! you have your symbolicated crash log.

PS : The added advantage of this is that the above setup is a one time setup and is reusable .All that is required is just replace your crash file and dysm file , then just repeat step 5 each time you want a new crash symbolicated. Bye bye complicated commands!

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