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How to use custom layout in Yii2?

I want to use 3 templates for yii. I have files like these:


What may I do to apply all of the layouts? Because I use 3 templates for my web. Thanks in advance

If you want to use layout for all actions in Controller ,

class SiteController extends Controller
    public $layout="main-template-1";
     // actions

If you want to use layout for specific action than use

public function actionIndex()
$this->layout = "main-template-1"; 


$this->layout = 'main-template-1'; // or 2 or 3

If you have basic template that you want to use you can set that in config/web.php like

'view' => [
        'theme' => [
            'pathMap' => [
                    '@app/views' =>[
            'baseUrl' => '@web/../themes/mytheme',

this will take the layout of


then in functions you could use other templates like

public function actionIndex()
   $this->layout = "main-template-1"; 

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