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Send Emails via Excel VBA one at a time

I am using MS Excel and Outlook 2013. I am trying to automate an Excel spreadsheet that sends 5 emails to a specified address using Outlook.

The trick is I want each message to display one at a time and only move on to the next message when the user either hits Send or closes the message. Here is what I have so far:

    Sub Send_Emails()

    Dim OutApp As Object: Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Dim OutMail As Object: Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

   'Send Email
   With OutMail
      .to = "john.doe@mycompany.com"
      .Subject = "This is the Subject"
      .Body = "This is message"
   End With

   On Error Resume Next:
   OutMail = Nothing
   OutApp = Nothing
   End Sub

   Sub Send_Five_Emails()
   For i = 1 To 5 'Send email 5 times
       Call Send_Emails
   Next i
   End Sub

The problem with this code is that it displays all 5 message windows at once. Is there a way to make the Close event of one message window trigger the Displaying of the next one, so as to make them appear one at a time?

I appreciate the help.

Use .Display (True)

The expression.Display(Modal) argument is used with all objects except for the Explorer and MAPIFolder objects, True to make the window modal. The default value is False .

See Display Method on MSDN

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