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nasm error: parser:instruction expected

I'm starting with the assembly now

this is prova.asm

    ASSUME CS:_prog,DS:_prog
    ORG 0100H
INIZIO: MOV AH,00H  ;pulisci lo schermo
    MOV AL,03H  ;(clearscreen)
    INT 10H ;
    MOV AH, 00H ;aspetta la pressione
    INT 16H ;di un tasto
    MOV AH, 4CH ;torna al dos
    INT 21H ;
_prog   ENDS

These are the errors

nasm prova.asm
prova.asm:2: error: parser:instruction expected
prova.asm:11 error: symbol '_prog' redefined
prova.asm:11 error: parser:instruction expected
prova.asm:12 error: parser:instruction expected

This is not assembly syntax that supported by NASM. You have to use masm to assemble the code. Also It's written in bad format.

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