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How to get only a part of a file with a Javascript AJAX request(no jQuery)

I have checked Google and answers and tutorials, I know how to get only a part of a file by AJAX using jQuery, but I could not find any instructions on how to do it with plain JS.

I have tried:

xhr.open('GET', 'https://website.html .my-class');

Does not work, lookign for an element by ID did not work either.

xhr.open('GET', 'https://website.html');

This returns the whole file.

I have not tried to cache and fragment the whole returned file, I doubt that would work anyway.

So, how is this done? Certainly it's possible, right?

You can use DOMParser() to create an HTML document from XMLHttpRequest.responseText , then use document.querySelector() or document.querySelectorAll() to retrieve the specific selectors from document

 var file = `data:text/html, <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div class="my-class">my class</div> </body> </html>`; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", file, true); request.onload = function() { var html = request.responseText; var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); var el = doc.querySelector(".my-class"); document.body.appendChild(el); } request.send(); 

I recommend you use jquery. Less time.
Alternatively you can use the DOMParser object of web API.
this parse your file text/html, then you can search for the class you want

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