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How to auto-hide placeholder text in input field using jquery

i have this code here and what it does it hides placeholder fields on focus and show them on blur using jquery but I need someone to explain this code line by line to me as I'm beginner

 $(function() { 'use strict'; // hide placeholder on form focus $('[placeholder]').focus(function() { $(this).attr('data-text', $(this).attr('placeholder')); $(this).attr('placeholder', ''); }).blur(function() { $(this).attr('placeholder', $(this).attr('data-text')); }); });
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form> <h4 class="text-center"> Admin Login </h4> <input type="text" name="user" placeholder="Username" autocomplete="off"> <input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="new-password"> <input type="submit" value="Login"> </form>

$(function() {}).... 
    is an anonymous function which gets called when js file gets loaded in the browser.

    Provides collections of elements objects having placeholder inside the form.

    This statement will bind the focus event to all the elements which supports placeholder.

    This is a function which gets called when above event gets fired.

Inside call back in above code two below statements are written
    $(this).attr('data-text', $(this).attr('placeholder'));
    // Above satement will pick text given in placeholder property and assign this to 'data-text' property

    $(this).attr('placeholder', '');
        //Above stement will make placeholder text empty by assigning emty string.

    This statement will bind the blur event to all the elements which supports placeholder.

    This is a function which gets called when blur event gets fired.

Inside callback_b() below code is written
    $(this).attr('placeholder', $(this).attr('data-text'));
    //This statement will take the value assigned to 'data-text' in focus event and assign it back to placeholder property.

Hope this Helps, Please mark it as an answer if its as per your need.

so basically what it is doing is when you focus the element, it stores the placeholder attribute's value in the data-text attribute and sets the placeholder to empty. then on blur it just sets the placeholder to the value in the attribute. it is stored in the data-text attribute so it can be retrieved later. it has no special use besides functioning like a variable here to store a value.

if you are wondering what $('[placeholder]').focus(function() { does, basically it means that if you focus any object that has the placeholder attribute, call the function.


Any object jQuery finds with the attribute placeholder


Do the inner code when the element is focused


This line stores the placeholder temporarily (so you can re-set it later)


This clears the placeholder from your element


Do the inner code when the element is blurred


This line sets the placeholder to the value stored in the temporary location (as mentioned above)

$(function () {
  'use strict';
  //hide Placeholder on From Focus

    .focus(function () {
      $(this).attr('data-text', $(this).attr('placeholder'));
      $(this).attr('placeholder', '');
    .blur(function () {
      $(this).attr('placeholder', $(this).attr('data-text'));

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