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Visual studio code html suggestion not working

    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: ;

after i write background-po ,it suggests background-position:

I press 'Enter', but then it no longer suggests background-position to me. What could I do next without pressing CTRL + Space , can anyone tell me how it can do this automatically please?

I'm learning HTML & CSS and these suggestions will help me a lot

To add to dippas ' answer, you can also use keywords together, like top left , or center center for example.

To get the prompt from your code-editor (this depends on the code editor though), when it suggests background-position , press the 'End' key or Tab key BEFORE pressing return (on a windows keyboard).

I hope this helps, but I agree with dippas, you should get to know the allowed values, it will save you time in the long run.

I work on VS Code, and what you describe seems like a poor user experience to me. We should automatically show value suggestions after you accept a property name suggestion.

I've opened an issue to track this.

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