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How can I get my build toolchain to resolve `src` references in an Angular2 inline template?

I'm writing a simple Angular2 component:

@Component({ ...,
  template: `
    <img id="logo" src="../img/logo.png">
  `, ...

I'm using a webpack config very similar to the official docs so the .component.ts file is being passed through awesome-typescript-loader . When I build the project, this component winds up with <img id="logo" src="../img/logo.png"> in the page, ie the image URL isn't rewritten by Webpack. I believe this is because inline templates aren't being parsed for src properties.

I have tried working around this by doing an explicit require() :

const SITE_LOGO = require("../img/logo.png");

@Component({ ...,
  template: `
    <img id="logo" [src]="logo">
  `, ...

export class AppComponent {
  logo = SITE_LOGO;

This seems like a lot of extra work, but it does get the job done -- the image winds up with src="data:image/png;base64..." .

It'd be nice to have sources fixed up automatically, but there's a bigger issue: when Webpack doesn't do the parsing, the assignment goes through Angular's DOM sanitizer and SVG images get prefixed with unsafe: which means they don't get rendered in the browser. I see a workaround that involves de-sanitizing the string but it kind of seems like a hack. I'd avoid all this if I could get Webpack to just rewrite my inline template for me.

Use html-loader to teach webpack html-style "imports".

I have something like this in my webpack.config.js :

    test: /\.html$/i,
    loader: 'html-loader?root=assets&attrs[]=img:src&attrs[]=image:src&attrs[]=image:xlink:href',
    exclude: ['./src/index.html']

PS: I don't remember if or why I had to specify this:


so maybe try seeing what's that first :)

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