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Terraform Conditional Variables

I have a template in my terraform config to which I write the values of a variable like this:

data "template_file" "config" {
  template = "${file("${path.module}/templates/${var.json_config}")}"

  vars {
    is_enabled = "${var.is_enabled}"

Now is_enabled is a boolean string which is either set to true or false . Now based on if this is true or false I want to set another variable. In pseudocode it would look like this:

if is_enabled == true path = /one/path/ else path = /another/path

I had a look at the conditional values but it seems to be for bringing up resources. how would I use this to set a variable in a template file ?

Templates uses the same interpolation syntax as all other strings in Terraform. Documentation is available

So in your case it will look like this:

path = ${is_enabled ? "/one/path/" : "/another/path"}

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