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compare a datetime column only to time in pandas

I have a df like below

col1, mydate
1, 25-DEC-2016 09:15:00
2, 25-DEC-2016 10:14:00
3, 25-DEC-2016 10:16:00
4, 25-DEC-2016 10:18:56
2, 25-DEC-2016 11:14:00
2, 25-DEC-2016 10:16:00

df.info(): mydate    323809 non-null object

I need to this dataframe according to time, like df having time less than 10:15:00, df having time less than 11:15:00

So created my slice intervals using

times=[pd.to_datetime(i) for i in '10:15:00','11:15:00','12:15:00','13:15:00','14:15:00','15:15:00', '15:30:00']

Then I convert my mydate type to time which takes a lot of time

df['mydate']=df4.mydate.apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x,infer_datetime_format=True).time())

The above command I think can be optimised, or there should be a better/faster way.

Then I simply do

for time in times:
  slice = df[df.mydate<time.time()]

My intent is only to compare df.mydate time with ['10:15:00','11:15:00','12:15:00','13:15:00','14:15:00','15:15:00', '15:30:00'] (but not dates) and simply subset df

The above way works fine for me but I am looking for a better way.

Additional: Interestingly sorting mydate was very fast (even though I did not convert to mydate col to datetime) using


which lets me think that my way of subsetting should be faster.

mydate col will always be in 25-DEC-2016 09:15:00 format (Note DEC not Dec) can I use format='%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'

First of all, I suggest using pd.to_datetime on the whole array/Series, so it would be:


Rather than

[pd.to_datetime(i).time() for i in ['10:15:00','11:15:00','12:15:00','13:15:00']]

Secondly, you are right about the format. As stated in the documentation of pd.to_datetime it is much faster (by x5-10 times) to use

pd.to_datetime(['25-DEC-2016 09:15:00', '25-DEC-2016 09:15:00'],
               format='%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')

Rather than

pd.to_datetime(['25-DEC-2016 09:15:00', '26-DEC-2016 09:15:00'], 

Considering now your dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': [1, 2, 3, 2], 
                   'mydate': ['25-DEC-2016 09:15:00',
                              '25-DEC-2016 11:15:00', 
                              '26-DEC-2016 11:15:00', 
                              '26-DEC-2016 12:15:00']})
   col1                mydate
0     1  25-DEC-2016 09:15:00
1     2  25-DEC-2016 11:15:00
2     3  26-DEC-2016 11:15:00
3     2  26-DEC-2016 12:15:00

You can first transform the mydate column in an actual datetime Series:

df['mydate'] = pd.to_datetime(df.mydate, format='%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')

Then you'll be able to access the date and time fields (and a lot more) through the dt accessor:

0    2016-12-25
1    2016-12-25
2    2016-12-26
3    2016-12-26

0    09:15:00
1    11:15:00
2    11:15:00
3    12:15:00

So when computing the slices you can use:

for time in times:
    slice = df[df.mydate.dt.time < time]
    print(time, slice, sep='\n')
   col1              mydate
0     1 2016-12-25 09:15:00
   col1              mydate
0     1 2016-12-25 09:15:00
   col1              mydate
0     1 2016-12-25 09:15:00
1     2 2016-12-25 11:15:00
2     3 2016-12-26 11:15:00
   col1              mydate
0     1 2016-12-25 09:15:00
1     2 2016-12-25 11:15:00
2     3 2016-12-26 11:15:00
3     2 2016-12-26 12:15:00

Note how what you get are not actually slices, because they have overlapping records, so you might want to use something similar to:

for start, end in zip(times, times[1:]):
    slice = df[(start <= df.mydate.dt.time) & (df.mydate.dt.time <= end)]

As a final note, what you are trying to accomplish with the for loop can be obtained using the group by operations from pandas. You just need to prepare a mytime column with the times only:

df['mytime'] = df.mydate.dt.time
groups = df.groupby('mytime')

for group_key, group_df in groups:
    print(group_key, group_df, sep='\n')
   col1              mydate    mytime
0     1 2016-12-25 09:15:00  09:15:00
   col1              mydate    mytime
1     2 2016-12-25 11:15:00  11:15:00
2     3 2016-12-26 11:15:00  11:15:00
   col1              mydate    mytime
3     2 2016-12-26 12:15:00  12:15:00

The nice thing is that you don't need to operate on the single dataframes, but you can apply the same operations and aggregations on every group at the same time:

09:15:00    1
11:15:00    2
12:15:00    1

09:15:00     1
11:15:00     5
12:15:00     2

I believe timedelta is better for working in pandas - so first split string column and select times for converting:

df['mydate'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['mydate'].str.split().str[1])
print (df)
   col1   mydate
0     1 09:15:00
1     2 10:14:00
2     3 10:16:00
3     4 10:18:56
4     2 11:14:00
5     2 10:16:00

Convert list too:

                       '13:15:00','14:15:00','15:15:00', '15:30:00'])
print (times)
TimedeltaIndex(['10:15:00', '11:15:00', '12:15:00', '13:15:00', '14:15:00',
                '15:15:00', '15:30:00'],
               dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)

Last create slices:

for time in times:
  sl = df[df.mydate<time]
  print (sl)

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