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Swagger UI unable to show proper response from ASP.net Core WebAPI

I am working with ASP.net Core WebAPI and to produced API documentation I am using Swagger. Swagger successfully generate colourful documentation. But when I try to execute an api method. Always got bellow error from Swagger.

{ "error": "no response from server" }

Api Method

public sealed class AuthController : BaseApiController
   public IActionResult GetByUser(string uid, string pwd){....}


  • I always got correct api response from above method via Browser / Fiddler ( without using Swagger )
  • I also configure CORS in api end. But from Swagger still not getting proper response.

Swagger AppSettings

 "Swagger": {
    "FileName": "ApiDoument.xml",
    "host": "localhost:63687"


Swagger Response


X GET 'http://localhost:63687/api/Auth/GetByUser/test%40gmail.com/1234'

Request URL


Response Body

no content

Response Code


Response Headers

{ "error": "no response from server" }

Problem is resolve, above described error due to bellow Hash value. Swagger unable to return this type of value.



using Newtonsoft.Json;


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