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How to run a function after an async function completed in node.js?

I want to run a code after my forEach loop.

myPosts.forEach(function(post) {
    getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
        post.author = postAuthor;

res.render('index', {
    posts: myPosts

in code above first res.render runs and after that forEach fills the post.author

Rather map to Promises than iterating with forEach, then use Promise.all:

 myPosts.map(function(post) {
  return new Promise(function(res){
   getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
      post.author = postAuthor;

  res.render('index', {
     posts: myPosts


You can create an array of promises, then listen for all completions using Promise.all .

const promises = [];

myPosts.forEach(function(post) {
    const promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
      getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
          post.author = postAuthor;
          resolve(); // complete the current promise


Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
  res.render('index', {
    posts: myPosts

You could do this 2 ways, you could make/use a Promise or use a counting method.

Counting method:

var numComplete = 0;
var done = function() {
    if(numComplete >= myPosts.length) {
        // Code to run once finished

myPosts.forEach(function(post) {
    getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
        post.author = postAuthor;

You could use a third-party lib like Async.


import each from 'async/each';

var elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

each(elements, function(el, next) {
    console.log('Processing element ' + el);
    callAsyncFunction(next); //your async function should accept a callback
}, function(err){
    //this is your ending function. It'll be called after all elements have been processed
    if( err ) {
        console.log('A file failed to process');
    } else {
        console.log('Async processing is finished.');

Your code should look like:

each(myPosts, function(post, next) {
    getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
        post.author = postAuthor;
}, function(err) {
    if (!err) {
        res.render('index', {
            posts: myPosts

You could try async/await with for loop .

 const sleep = timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout)); const myPosts = [1,2,3]; const fetchPosts = async () => { for (let post_id of myPosts) { await sleep(1000); // simulate fetch post console.log('post:', post_id); } console.log('done!'); }; fetchPosts(); 

use async.eachOf to iterate over an array and apply async function :

 async.eachOf(myPosts, function(post, it, callback){

    // apply async function on each element
    getPostAuthor(post.authorID, function(postAuthor) {
        post.author = postAuthor;
        return callback();

 }, function(err){
    // final callback when flow is finished
    res.render('index', {
         posts: myPosts
    return res.end();

See async documentation : https://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html

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