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ngFor display individual items inside collapsible menu card

I'm trying to display details of each card on click of Details link as a collapsible menu.I'm using bootstrap's data-toggle class identified by id's.

I'm not able to make target id's in data-target dynamic. I tried by giving data-target="openPanel[item]" / `data-target="openPanel[i1]"' to get dynamic values but its not working.

Please find the plunker link here

Use *ngIf for your details panel:

 <div class="collapse" id="openPanel" *ngIf="isActive[i1]"> This is {{item.year}} panel </div> 

Plunker link here: PLUNKER DEMO

<div data-toggle="collapse" [attr.data-target]="'#openPanel_'+i1" class="row display-inline-mode">
              <h4   [ngClass]="{'flipped': isActive[i1] }" (click)="isActive=[];isActive[i1] = !isActive[i1];">Details
<div class="collapse" id="openPanel_{{i1}}">
       This is {{item.year}} panel

attribute binding is the solution. Bootstrap data-toggle should get unique ids so give the index i1 in you case to make ids unique ref: Angular 2 data attributes

Change Your template to this:

<div class="border-box" id="panels">
    <div  class="quarter-panel panel" *ngFor="let item of quarterDataList;let i1 = index">
      <div class="item-hover" *ngFor="let count of item.quarterData;let i = index" (click)="setClickedRow((i+'_'+item.year))" [class.active]="((i+'_'+item.year)) == selectedRow">

         <div data-parent="#panels" data-toggle="collapse" [attr.data-target]="'#openPanel'+ i1" class="row display-inline-mode">
                <h4   [ngClass]="{'flipped': isActive[i1] }" (click)="isActive=[];isActive[i1] = !isActive[i1];">Details
         <div class="collapse" id="openPanel{{i1}}">
            This is {{item.year}} panel

Plunkar Link Here

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