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Laravel echo socket.io Vue JS notification

I'm making a Client - Server application and I need to send web push notifications.

I have a Laravel api as a backend with laravel echo server with the broadcaster socket.io and a Vue JS ans a Frontend app.

When I try to send the notification from laravel-echo I can see the socket server log. I'm connecting through socket.io and I'm not using pusher.

I have the correct connection because I can see my log, even I can see I'm in because in the console I see my log.

import Echo from "laravel-echo"

window.echo = new Echo({
    broadcaster : 'socket.io',
    host        : url_server+"6001"

And I have this code in my Vue component:

.notification(notification => {
    console.log("notification demo", notification)

And this is my log notification from laravel server:

[2017-08-09 16:57:02] local.INFO: Broadcasting 
[Illuminate\Notifications\Events\BroadcastNotificationCreated] on channels 
[private-App.Entities.User.2] with payload:
 "title": "Hello from Laravel!",
 "body": "Thank you for using our application.",
 "action_url": "https:\/\/laravel.com",
 "created": "2017-08-09T16:57:02-05:00",
 "id": "b3e037ce-9f4e-43d0-a847-e8623f56412d",
 "type": "App\\Notifications\\ReminderSeller",
 "socket": null

i think its a config issue, make sure that the config is correct in config/broadcasting.php

'default' => env('BROADCAST_DRIVER', 'redis'),

or is set in .env file BROADCAST_DRIVER=redis

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