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Watson Discovery Service - Query Data collection Node.js - passage missing

I run a query to the a response from Watson Discovery Service and I would like to include the passages in my response (by default the passages are not include, using passages = true should include it. But I don't get it.

var queryString = {'natural_language_query':searchString};
                insert(cloudantDb,"9", "Call freie Textsuche ",       queryString, "-",  params);                    

                return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
                        environment_id: 'my env id',
                        collection_id: 'my coll id',
                        query: queryString,
                        passages: true,
                        count: 3


Can somebody help?

In this case you need to set the passages inside the queryoptions parameter, like this API reference for test seems.

var queryOptions = {'natural_language_query':searchString, 'passages': true};

Try to see the cURL example using this parameter:

curl -u "{username}":"{password}" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/discovery/api/v1/environments/{environment_id}/collections/{collection_id}/query?version=2017-06-25&natural_language_query='collie'&passages=true"

This part of Official documentation talking about this parameter in line #663.

Note: The passages parameter is supported only on private collections. It is not supported in the Watson Discovery News collection. You cannot use natural_language_query and the query parameter in the same query options .

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