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List Contacts in ContactFolder

I am trying to get a list of Contacts from a ContactFolder using Microsoft Graph API.

The code I am using is as follows:

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient (new CustomAuthentication ());
// build the request
var request = graphClient.Me.ContactFolders.Request();

// get all contact folders
var folders = await request.GetAsync();

// get the first folder
var folder = folders.FirstOrDefault();

//  get all contacts in that folder (Contacts is always null)
var contacts = folder.Contacts.ToList();

On the last line, the Contacts collection is null even though there are contacts in that folder when viewed through Outlook.

I tried to call folder.Contacts.GetAsync() however that method does not appear to be available:


Any help would be appreciated.

First you're requesting FirstOrDefault but this isn't a method exposed by IUserContactFoldersCollectionPage . You need to address the items within folders by index:


You're also not populating the Contacts object. Keep in mind that Microsoft Graph is a REST API. It is provides a collection of stateless HTTP methods so it doesn't automatically hydrate your object model. You need to specifically request the data for Contacts :


Also note that ContactFolders will only return results if there are multiple folders. The default Contacts folder is never returned. If a user has no additional folders, this will return an empty result.

With this in mind, you would retrieve the Contacts like this:

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(new CustomAuthentication());

// get all contact folders
var folders = await graphClient

if (folders.Count > 0)
    // Get contacts from that first folder
    var folderContacts = await graphClient
    // This user only has the default contacts folder
    var defaultContacts = await graphClient

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