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Multiple select not updating when value changed through javascript/jquery

I have a multiple select where each option has a class set to it. Depending on the class i can pre-select all options with a specific class so the user doesn't have to select them all by himself. So far it works fine, till to the point where i manually select one option by clicking on it. From this point on the pre-selects seem to don't work anymore. BUT only the visuals don't work anymore, the options still get the 'selected="selected"' applied to them. Also .val() on the select returns all values selected by the pre-selector. So in the background everything works fine, but the user can't see that it worked.

Here's my select:

<select class="form-control d-block w-100 col-8 col-xl-12" id="brand-select" name="brands" size="15" multiple>
    <c:forEach var="brand" items="${brands}">
        <option class='<c:choose>
                            <c:when test="${brand.isCompanyBrand()}">COMPANYBRAND</c:when>
                        </c:choose>' value="${brand.brandCode}">${brand.description}

And here's one of the selectors:

selectCompanyBrands.addEventListener("click", function()
    $("#brand-select option").attr("selected", false)
    $("#brand-select option.COMPANYBRAND").attr("selected", true);
}, false);

I'm currently out of ideas what i can do to resolve this problem.

Here is a sample working code to help you. I have used prop() :

 $(document).ready(function() { $("select option").prop("selected", false) $('select option.someclass').prop('selected', true); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <select multiple="multiple" size="15"> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="newclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="newclass">some option</option> <option class="newclass">some option</option> <option class="newclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> <option class="someclass">some option</option> </select> 

Read through this in jquery doc and I quote for specificity:

Attributes vs. Properties

The difference between attributes and properties can be important in specific situations. Before jQuery 1.6, the .attr() method sometimes took property values into account when retrieving some attributes, which could cause inconsistent behavior. As of jQuery 1.6, the .prop() method provides a way to explicitly retrieve property values, while .attr() retrieves attributes.

Jquery, or rather its later versions, clearly distinguishes between attributes and properties . So the simple rule is that if you want to set a property (something that is related to a user action like a form element) use #prop() and otherwise use #attr() .

Here you should be using #prop like this:

selectCompanyBrands.addEventListener("click", function() {
    $("#brand-select option").prop("selected", false)
    $("#brand-select option.COMPANYBRAND").prop("selected", true);
}, false);

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