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R replication of Tableau dashboard actions

I am very new to R and programming but am getting there with the basics of flexdashboard and the basics of visualisation in R. I currently produce visualisations in Tableau, in particular a dashboard which has a treemap at the top (with around 21 KPI's) which powers a trend chart below (for the relevant KPI) and also links through to a URL link to a tableau visualisation-this all works on a set of 'actions' within tableau. Is this possible to replicate within R? (ie have 1 part of the visualisation 'action/trigger' the others to show the relevant visualisations? From what I have seen so far I can only use navigation bars and filters to influence what the user sees (rather than have one visualisation power the others. I can send a sample link of what I am trying to replicate if that helps? Id be very very grateful if anyone could advise?

You that is possible. You could use:

You could then use observeEvents to listen to these actions, and make your application act accordingly.

Hope this helps you in the right direction.

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