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Custom post by Shortcode How to Show Wordpress Pagination (index.php)

I replaced my blog post with my custom post by using shortcode in index.php but the pagination doesnt show.

here is my code

 <?php get_header(); ?> <div id="content-box" class="row"> <main id="content" class="col-sm-9"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[ktzagcplugin_image source="yahoo" number="20" related="true" keyword="my blog keywords"]');?> </main> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php the_posts_pagination(); ?> </div> <?php get_footer(); ?> 

it means there are 20 custom posts in my homepage, i wanna separate them by pagination. but it doesnt show.

You need to review a code of the_posts_pagination function. This function is point to get_the_posts_pagination . The last function getting global $ wp_query variable and using it for create the pagination block.

I think you shortcode not initialize global variable $ wp_query and get_the_posts_pagination hasn't data for create a pagination block.

You must to implement the pagination in plugin where your shortcode is implemented

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